On August 22-25, 2018, Human Level Artificial Intelligence HLAI 2018 conference was held in Prague. The Technology Platform CTIT co-organized with Good AI a one-day conference sessions called The Investing in AGI & Innovation Policy.
The event took place on 24 August 2018 at the National Technical Library in Prague. The all-day event was divided into several blocks and was free for all visitors. In the morning, two conference sessions on Investing in General AI and Innovation Policy session took place. The Technology Platform CTIT representative, Martin Vokřál, presented at the first session the platform’s activities and the Technology foresight which we are working on.
At the sessions was discussed, among other things, whether the most efficient investment model for innovation is a combination of private and public funding that allows risk sharing. There was also discussion of investments in basic AI research. The Session provided visitors with an overview of the current state of affairs and a presentation of practical business examples of approaches based on public-private partnerships. There was also included a discussion on innovation policy for investing in basic and applied AI research. Visitors could listen to leading AI and Innovation experts, such as Mr. Tak Lo from Zeroth Ai, and Jakub Kotowsego, AI expert at MSD Global Software Engineering.
The AI Race & Societal Impacts session took place in the afternoon. This block focused on the opportunities and risks associated with the global race related to the development of AI. The aim was to design and discuss the necessary steps that will lead to the use of AI for the benefit of human society. This part of the session included a discussion panel with e.g. Senior Executive Director of Cambridge Center for the Study of Existential Risk, Irakli Beridze Senior Strategy and Policy Advisor UNICRI United Nations and Yolanda Lannquist Al Policy Researcher The AI-Initiative at the Future Society, Harvard Kennedy School.
You can learn more about the prestigious Human Level Artificial Intelligence 2018 event here