Novinky z ETP NetWorld2020, pracovní skupiny SatCom:
“PS SatCom právě vydala nový “white paper” pojmenovaný “SatCom Resources for Smart and Sustainable Networks and Services”, který popisuje současné trendy a vize satelitních technologií pro cestovní mapu 2030.
The SatCom WG has just issued a new paper, titled “SatCom Resources for Smart and Sustainable Networks and Services”, which illustrates the current trends and the vision of satellite technology for the roadmap towards 2030.
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Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR)
German Aerospace Center
Institute of Communications and Navigation | Satellite Networks | Oberpfaffenhofen | 82234 Wessling | Germany
Tomaso de Cola, Ph.D.
Telefon +49 8153 28-2156 | Telefax +49 8153 28-2844 | tomaso.decola@dlr.de